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Internal Developer Portal FAQs

How do I use git based data-sources in a scorecard to evaluate a repository/file that is not present in the source-location path?

Users can use the additional annotation harnessData in their catalog-info.yaml and add the path that they want to evaluate in relative to the source-location of the software component which can further be used as an input variable. for eg., if the source location mentioned is and the path added is /src/service-name/file-name.extenstion(adding the leading slash /src is required) then the final path would be

Can I use .md files as a doc?

Yes we support markdown files in docs, but only if they are present in mkdocs format with a mkdocs.yaml present in the directory.

I have registered a new template but it doesn't show up on my workflows page.

It usually takes 3-5 minutes for IDP to process the entity before it's available to use in the workflows. You can check about failed or processing entities using the devtools plugin.

Failed to register Software Components

If, after registering an entity, your're unable to find the same in your catalog, check the Devtools Plugin for Unprocessed Entities. If it's under the Pending tab, wait a few minutes for registration to complete. If it's under the Failed tab. try re-registering the entity.

Can we currently use RBAC to only show workflows to specific usergroups?

We're already inheriting the pipeline's permission for the workflows. So if only a specific set of users, groups or roles are added the project where the pipeline lives, only they will be able to trigger the workflow. However, they will still see the workflow on IDP.